Ahh... Nothing like a ‘Welcome-back-to-the-game’ prize!
In a rare green moment Andrea tries to teach... George? To walk. But it takes forever. I WANT SMART MILK!
Uma tries to teach Michael to potty train... Once again. I WANT SMART MILK!! But no one has any aspiration points...
YES! Thank you!!! I don’t remember your name but THANK YOU!!!! *Dancing around*
*Light from above*
Raylinn got promoted!! And EVERYONE in the house has an A+ card!!
The only reason everyone has an A+ card is.... I admit...
I maxmotived.
I know, I know!! But I had to!! EVERYONE was dying!! Literally EVERYONE!!!
So... Lets move on... Before people start yelling... Like to that dust ball...
Dogs fighting on my lot?
GRANT? Grant who are you fighting??
DARREN! Darren quit attacking Grant!!!
Darren stop!!
Oh brother.
Darren: “There! I dare you to insult the maaaagic hat again!!”
*Won't comment*
So long
Auf wiedersehen
Cherry is our only gold Sim so she has been put in charge of giving all the babies smart milk!!
Uh-oh... We’re loosing Raylinn...
While Raylinn looses it we get lots and lots of training going with Smart Milk!!
But as a bonus Chris can walk!
George can talk!
And walk
Micheal can walk!!
Yes I went for it. I think Trent and Nikki are ADORABLE together!!
This is an ongoing problem in our house. I fix it. They knock it over. Because “my aspiration isn’t high enough!!”
Andrea has decided to join the insanity group.
With some extra money WE GOT A FLOOR! YES!!!
Hey Andrea... Nice PJ’s... (Shameless plug) I made them!! *Dances* And they look just like the ones I’m wearing right now :D
I made some rearrangements to get rid of the extra cribs and get three beds in here so now everyone has a bed. Small over site I had made before now heh.
Yes!! Six o’clock!
Now it’s time for the last of the toddlers to come to kiddom!
Chris is first
Not bad of course we have the clones and all but hey lol!
And as you can see the green that means he grew up gold!! Points!!
Next is.... Michael? And he is PLATINUM!!!
And last is George you can’t tell in this one but he grew up PLATINEM TOO!!!!!!
And that brings us to our conclusion
The points stand thus:
Beginning Total: -30
Positives: + 15 Raylinn; Promotion
+ 10 Chris; Golden grow up
+ 20 George; Platinum grow up
+ 20 Michael; Platinum grow up
+ 20 Michael; Walk
+ 20 George; Walk
+ 20 Chris; Walk
+ 20 Michael; Talk
+ 20 George; Talk
+ 20 Chris; Talk
Negatives: None! Yes! Probably because I missed some one fainting.... But I’m not counting it!
Ending Total: 155!
From -30 to 145! That’s a jump!
It all seems so very exciting. And insane. Hehe
- Michelle
Wow, you are getting there! My original toddlers never got any smart milk at all--no one had the aspiration points. One of them learned all three skills, one had two, and one only learned to talk. However, the next set (the original babies) did better--and my new little toddler has been thoroughly smart-milked and learned everything on his second day. Ah, the joys of aspiration rewards!
I love smart millk too. and i heard about this trick(which won't help you now because all the toddlers grew up to "kiddom") but when an adult/teen is standing there waiting for the toddler to "go poddy" they'll reach out and stretch their arms and when they do that X out of the little queue and they'll completion bar thing will go WAY UP! i do it all the time(: and if you think about it, its not really cheating(; lol
great update! and congrats on the little romance between...forgot their names.