See? See? I remembered you guys!!!!

Aren’t you proud of me??


Time to jump back into the story... I forgot that Hayden and the twins were growing up too

So here is Hayden about to grow up, so no one notices that I messed up, right? :D


Here is Hayden all grown up.


He was from me getting bored...

*Sniffle* Anyone got a tissue?

Oh he grew up as a romance Sim... Not as bad as it could be...


And now the Twins!


I missed a pict of Gallagher as a toddler... Oh well he’s just punching Sedar through the stomach.


Oh wow. Shocker. Grew up badly.


Oh and see? Mitch is fine!! When I loaded in his face went back to normal.



And now Georgia’s turn!


She’s cute! And you can’t tell in this pict but she grew up with make-up on... It’s odd.


Uhh... Lucy? Just so you know it’s easier to reach in FRONT of your face to put your hand over your face, not THROUGH your head.


Lucy: “Are you laughing at me??”

Nooo... Never... And I thought I’d gotten rid of Cherry. But Nooooooo I get Lucy to pick up the pace.


Wow... Georgia... What did you do??


Yes delete the cribs!! NO MORE TODDLERS!!!


Yeah look! Georgia has blush and eye shadow and lipstick... So strange... I can’t imagine her having this as a toddler but I didn’t really look...


There that just makes me feel better about the girl...


Wait... you went to school didn’t you?? I just sent you all to school!!



Never mind then.


Yippy!!! Only five can’t come off the bus instead of the... I dunno HOW many...

I don’t want to know either.


Ahh Grandma’s Comfort Soup! A life saver when we have so much dang sickness running rampant...

Just don’t stand in it Andrea, please?


See? This is why I love it...


Well... That’s... Odd...

Honestly thought this whole challenge is getting so... Boring...

We have eight days until the next batch grows up into adults and we still have kids (Yes I know that’s my own doing but....)

So I find ways to amuse myself while I leave Sims on speed three...


What you ask? Oh... Nothing really... Watch some soap operas. Did you know she is actually an EVIL twin? I know. But she's pregnant with her sister's husband because she tricked him...

What's worse is I do watch soap operas... Well one... And I can see this story line happening. Yeah I need a life.


Wondering if the light in the refrigerator really does go off...

Such fascinating things, I know.

I mean I can hardly tear my eyes away from the screen... It’s so... *Yawn* Fascinating... zzzZZZzzz.... boolProp... No more... Teenagers.... ZZZzzzZZZ... Z-Huh? Me? Sleeping? No! Never! And thinking about boolProp?? Where would you GET idea’s like that?


My life is filled with things like this... Sims that can’t take off FIVE SECONDS SOONER to actually GET to the bathroom and not pee on the floor in FRONT of the bathroom. *Sigh*


Ginge!!! You had such promise...


That’s right clean it up right now missy!


Am I the only one who doesn’t like this? Isn’t a professional supposed to do that??


Yes... I broke down and bought them... Sent like EVERYONE into platinum... That was how wanted these things were...


This is now how my nights progress... Pitty my ear drums.

Of course most of my problem is that I can really only run on one speed or two... How much trouble can... A lot of Sims get into?

Maybe I should just leave them to their own devices and just giggle and take pictures....


The next addition... Raylinn needed points and I might as well get the points...

Though according to the thing the next batch of teens grows up tomorrow!!! (Yes I miscounted earlier. Leave me alone.)

So maybe things’ll run faster after that *Fingers crossed*


See? That table came into good use!!


Only three more hours... Three more hours...


YES!! Alright time for the adult-mafire to come again!! We’re gonna do things a LITTLE different this time...

Say goodbye to Angie








Darren Oh wait what’s that? Ignore the grown up adult there... That’s not a redone Angie that I did before taking this picture... Nooo....


And err... Sophie.... Yeah... Nope still not a redone Angie.


NOW we see a grown up redone Angie after stepping out of the adultmafire! And as you can see that WASN'T the person we saw in those other pictures. Note the differances..... Errr....


A grown up Sedar!


Jack is back there grown up... Once again ignore Lucy... Okay so the going into the Adultmafire and coming out adult is kinda not working lol!!!


Darren... Yup that’s how he grew up... I just... Couldn’t change it... It’s to... Darren.


Sophie after going up I really like her... She’s really pretty...


And Lucy!! She grew up really pretty too...

And then they all moved out and I didn’t feel like taking pictures of them lol!!
That brings us to a conclusion... I can’t deal with the insanity any more lol! I’m very... Spaztic. I don’t finish things. The ONLY reason I’m finishing this is you readers...

Dead serious.

I’m one of those... Ooh SHINY ones... Ask Jenni!!

Oh points. I forgot.

Beginning Total: I had 155 but that was NOT right. OH! It was 1,550!!! Gotcha!


+ 10 Angie; A+ report card
+ 10 Darren; A+ report card
+ 10 Jack; A+ report card
+ 10 Lucy; A+ report card
+ 10 Sedar; A+ report card
+ 10 Sophie; A+ report card
+10 Darren; Golden Grow up


NONE! Well none I noticed... Or remember....

Total: 1,620!

And we’re one post closer to ending this lol!!

See ya on the flip side!

OH! Before I forget!!! HUGE points to those who can find my small tribute to the Big Red Button :P


  1. Roo on April 22, 2009 at 8:57 AM

    LOL Yes I'm very proud of you for remembering us, your loyal readers.
    Shame Mitch's face is back to normal. I kinda liked the gah! look *giggles*
    Lucy what the fu... seriously? ouch girl.
    You're getting bored? how can you possibly be bored with so many dang sims to care for? o.O
    *waves bye to the adults* Nice make overs... and yes, that is so Darren.
    I'm glad you're working to finish this one. Its hilarious watching you suffer.. erm I mean succeed. ya thats what i meant, we'll go with that.

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